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OpenAI's Accidental Deletion of ChatGPT Training Data Adds Fuel to Copyright Lawsuit Fire

Hello everyone, welcome to the discussion! 🤖

I was just reading the news, it seems OpenAI is facing some controversy after The New York Times and Daily News sued the company. They claim that ChatGPT was trained using copyrighted content without permission. To make matters more complicated, OpenAI engineers accidentally deleted the data that was used to train ChatGPT, which could have been crucial evidence for the lawsuit.

The publishers had spent a lot of time reviewing the data OpenAI used, but now it looks like OpenAI has erased some of the key evidence. While OpenAI says it can recover the data, it's no longer usable in a legal sense. This has left many wondering how the legal battle will unfold.

It's unclear how the publishers will respond or what legal steps will follow, so we'll have to keep an eye on this situation. Let's see what happens next, you are welcome to leave your feedback in the comments below.
